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IoT Temperature Sensor
Our WLAN connected temperature sensor (or multiple sensors per device) with battery can be used for various tasks. The definition of an "alarm area" can activate various operational processes and reduces control costs to a significant extent.
Temperature sensors for documentation of temperature curves
Permanent temperature monitoring and temperature control with alarm function
Cold monitoring in refrigerators in laboratory medicine.
Our IoT temperature sensor is based on our IoT base component and has the following additional technical features:
Wide temperature range from -40° to +125°
Highly accurate measurements due to digital sensor at the measuring point
±0.20°C at −10°C to +85°C
±0.25°C at −20°C to −10°C and +85°C to +105°C
±0.50°C at −40°C to −20°C and +105°C to +125°C
IoT Humidity and Temperature Sensor
Our WLAN connected humidity and temperature sensor (or multiple sensors per device) with battery can be used for various tasks. The definition of an "alarm area" can activate various operational processes and reduces control costs to a significant extent.
Humidity/temperature sensors for documentation of temperature curves
Permanent humidity monitoring and humidity control with alarm function
Humidity and heat monitoring of cell cultures in an incubator in microbiology
Our IoT humidity and temperature sensor is based on our IoT base component and has the following additional technical features:
Wide temperature range from -40° to +120°
High precision humidity measurements by digital sensor at measuring point
±1.8% RH at +10°C to +90°C
±3% RH at 0°C bis +10°C und +90°C to +100°C
High precision temperature measurements by digital sensor at measuring point
±0.20°C at −0°C to +80°C
±0.30°C at −20°C to −0°C and +60°C to +100°C
±0.50°C at −40°C to −20°C and +100°C to +120°C